Monday, December 9, 2013

Lead Me, Guide Me

             When individually asked the question, “What factors do you believe contribute to satisfaction in a marriage?” both Fred and Cherilynn Goodworth responded immediately and almost identically, selflessness is number one.  Fred and Cherilynn Goodworth have been married for 25 years and they have 5 children together.  As their third child, I consider myself extremely blessed to have in my life their example of an unselfish and satisfying marriage.
 If you ask either one of my parents, they will both tell you that in order to have a successful marriage, you must put the needs of your spouse before your own.  They strongly believe that the happiness of the other is more important than their own personal happiness.  They believe that in a family, the first priority should always be to the spouse and the second priority should then be to the child.  Mutual respect and trust are also key factors when building a gratifying marriage.  Temptations and challenges never stop, therefore, continually building and improving on a marriage is crucial.  Having similar goals and aspirations is another factor that has immensely contributed to my mom and dad’s marriage.  They have many common interests.  This allows them to spend quality time together doing things that they both love to do.  “Have fun and don’t stop dating!” my mom always says.  I can testify that they live by these words.  Throughout my entire life, date night has always been the highlight of their week.  Most importantly however, they both have the same spiritual goal to become more like the Savior each day.  When they were married, they made covenants with the Lord.  Their marriage was built on a spiritual foundation and they continue to keep the Savior Jesus Christ at the center of their marriage.  
  I was taught by my mom and dad’s example how important it is to have an eternal companion that you truly love and cherish.  I am grateful for my mom and dad and the incredible influences they have been and still are on my life.  They teach by example, and with the love of Christ.  Even though I am not married, I look forward to the day that I can find my eternal companion and incorporate what I have learned from them into my own marriage.  I have high standards because my parents have taught me how a marriage should be. 

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