Saturday, October 26, 2013

I love to see the Temple

One of the highlights from my week was reflecting on the lessons that I was taught regarding temples. I have a strong testimony of temples and temple work. I have a testimony that temples make it possible for me to be sealed to my family forever. I love the quote by Elder Richard G. Scott that says, “Come to the temple now. It will greatly bless your life and provide essential ordinances for those beyond the veil that they cannot obtain by themselves. I testify that with unimaginable suffering and agony at an incalculable price, the Savior earned His right to be our Intermediary, our Redeemer, our Final Judge. Through faith in Him, and receipt of the requisite ordinances and covenants, you will earn your right to the blessings of eternal marriage made possible through His infinite Atonement.” I testify that these teachings by Elder Scott are true. I hope that I can always be worthy to enter the temple of the Lord and to receive the blessings that the temple has to offer. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

We Must!

If we desire to have a happy and successful family there are several things that we must do. We must all remember that we are striving to be more like the savior Jesus Christ and that he was perfect in every way. We must try to be “perfect” in all of our doings but particularly in our marriages. We must be kind. We must always make sure our families know that we love them. We must not insult. We should be full of faith and hope and charity so that we can set an example for those around us. I know without a doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that if I live by the teachings that I have been taught I will be happy and I will be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend to all those around me. I look forward to the day that I get married and start my own family with much hope and happiness. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Some Things That I Know

For today's message, I want to share some simple truths that I know be to true. I know that Jesus Christ lives and he loves me. I have a testimony that the family is central to God’s plan. I know that the Plan of Salvation is eternal and it has been in effect forever. I know that our life experience was never designed to be an individual experience. “While salvation is an individual matter, exaltation is a family matter.” The plan was set from the very beginning. It is a plan of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a plan by which if I follow, I can someday return to live with my Father in Heaven again in the glorified state of exaltation. I have a testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the Earth; it is complete. I know who I am and I know God’s plan. I’ll follow it in faith. I believe in the Savior Jesus Christ and I will honor His name. I’ll do what is right, I’ll follow His light. This truth I will proclaim! I am so blessed in my life to have been taught these truths ever since I was born. I want others to know of this amazing truth and therefore I must do as I have been taught and proclaim this great message to all those around me.

Families Can be Together Forever

The message that I want to share today is that families can be together forever. Henry B. Eyring teaches us, “We must have the goal not just in our minds but in our hearts. What we want is eternal life in families. We don’t just want it if that is what works out, nor do we want something approaching eternal life. We want eternal life, whatever its cost in effort, pain, and sacrifices.” I have a testimony that this is true. I know that the only way I can receive exaltation is “through sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples that make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally”. I love my family and I can't imagine life without them. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have knowing that I will be with them even after this life. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father’s plan.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The following is a list of my classmates and their blog links!

             Alexis Priestly
             Ally McClain
             Amber Kranc
             Annabel Detering
             Bailey Baird
             Caitlin Schofield
             Candice Merrill
             Cristel Carlini
             Elisse Cook
             Emily Hayes
             Erica Arguello
             Hailey Patera
             Haley Lucas
             Heather Christensen
              Janaya L. Johnson
             Jenney Premont
             Julie Moss
             Kayleena Johnston
             Kaylonnie White
             Kelsey Lawrence
             Kelsey Murphy
             Kody Daffer
             Krystal Palmer
             Laura Hudgins
             Madeline Vance
             McKayla Nicole Hess
             Michael Watts
             Olivia Welch
             Patrick Williams
             Rachel Blaylock
             Rachel Escobar
             Sammi Scott
             Tamara Handa
             Tina Trepanier
             Tod Flory
               Clarissa Beamer

               Ailli Brown

              Brandi Cash

              Kylee Goodworth

              Mallary Goude

              Emily Hayes

              Allison Hughes

              Hannah Joyce

              Jonathon Mann

             Allison McClellan

             Michaela Ostler

Linda Plate

Lindy Provost

Whitney Reed

Miriam  Rios-Reyes

Sammi Scott

Titan Sweeten

Kim Tafua

Olivia Welch

Hayley Woodbury